Baptisms, confirmations, and funerals are all important markers in the life of Christ Church congregants. Clergy and parishioners work closely to support church members and their families as they participate in Episcopal rites and special services throughout their lives.  

Holy Eucharist– Holy Communion is open to all baptized Christians who receive communion in their own churches. 

Holy Baptism–Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s body. It is administered for children or adults within the context of the Eucharist as the chief service on a Sunday or other major feast day. It is especially appropriate at the Easter Vigil, Day of Pentecost in May, All Saints Day in November, and the Feast of Baptism of our Lord in January. Each candidate is to be sponsored by one or more baptized persons. Instruction in the meaning of Baptism and living the Christian life is required for all adult candidates and parents/godparents of child candidates. 


Confirmation  Confirmation represents a public affirmation of personal faith. In the Episcopal tradition, Confirmation is always performed by a bishop as a way to acknowledge “apostolic succession”— that is, the presence of bishops guiding the church from the earliest days, centuries ago. Those joining the Episcopal Church from other Christian traditions are encouraged to participate in our “Episcopal 101” class and be “Received” by the bishop during the bishop’s visitation. 


 The Celebration and Blessing of Marriage– The Sacrament of Marriage (Holy Matrimony) is a solemn public covenant between two people in the presence of God. At Christ Church at least one of the parties is expected to be a current baptized member or the child or grandchild of a current baptized member in good standing. Premarital counseling with a member of our clergy is required of all couples who wish to be married in Christ Church. 


Ministry to the Sick– In case of illness or injury, members are asked to notify the church office. Clergy and Lay Eucharistic Ministers set a time to visit and/or bring Holy Communion as appropriate. 


Christian BurialMembers of the church are appropriately buried from the church. Our Clergy desire to be helpful to families during these times of loss and grief. Please contact a member of the clergy as soon as possible after a death has occurred. This will allow for pastoral support and for the planning of a Service of Christian Burial.