

Adult Formation at Christ Church comes in many forms. Members explore issues surrounding Christianity and spiritual growth through study, reflection, and discussion. Our educational offerings encourage discussion, introspection and reflection as adults expand their understanding of their individual and corporate faith. Lectures and special programs reflect an intellectually probing, generous-spirited Christianity that is rooted in the Episcopal tradition yet open to people of all faiths and perspectives. Believers and seekers alike are welcome at discussions which uplift the spirit, engage the mind, and deepen our understanding of God’s Call, today’s world and the ways in which we commit our lives to the service of God. Contact the Reverend Helen White for more information or to volunteer.

Opportunities for Christian Education include:

  • Adult Forum each Sunday from September to May, at 9:30 A.M. Join us for coffee and conversation in the undercroft chapel.

  • Book Group meets each second Thursday of the month at 10:30 A.M. in the Church Undercroft

  • “In the Spirit” offers informal discussions regarding theological issues and is held on the first and third Monday of each month.

  • Seasonal Offerings such as Sunday evening prayer and programs, mid-week Bible Studies and Lenten Study Groups.